
Lift up your eyes... the harvest is ripe!

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The Unblemished

Results Oriented Christianity

The Unblemished Creed

Love · Consecration · Power

“But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace.”
2 Peter 3:13-14

The Unblemished are a spiritual army of men, women and youth who are done with the futile cycle of secular compromise.

We want reformation, we want it now and we are willing to do anything God says to get it.

We are awake and aware the world is devolving into faster and increasingly wicked self-indulgence.

We are here to draw the line.

We refuse to buckle to compromise and corruption.

We refuse to bow to filthy, secular seduction.

We refuse to submit to death.

We are light-bringers; holy, pure, and blameless lovers of souls.

By the power of the almighty triune God, and the authority of Jesus Christ, we will cast satan out of every place our foot treads.

We will usher in our Lord’s return.

We are not yet perfect, but through the grace of God, we strive toward completing the work of our calling, and our upward call.


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In this hour of demonic strife and division, love wins. The world has become dark, corrupt, and many are lost. It will take committed, yet firm, truthful love to reach and rescue those whose lives have been destroyed by the plan of satan.


It’s time for the sleeping Church to arise. Like the Israelites in Nehemiah’s time, this is a call to stop focusing on building our own kingdoms and rebuild God’s Church.  This starts with obedience to what He has called you to do, years ago. 

Obedience is the door to the supernatural.


Love + Consecration = The supernatural Power of God. The Church has become anemic due to compromise. We have been lulled, deceived, hypnotized into complacency, and it has cost us our power. 

Meanwhile, satan has infiltrated and usurped our influence in education, entertainment, media, politics, culture, family-life… the list tragically goes on. 

When we return to God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, we will rediscover real, Acts 2 power. It has always been there for us, we were just duped into believing it ceased, or that is not for us. Both are lies from the pits of hell. 

We will walk in full power and do greater works than even the early Church when we completely consecrate ourselves to the call.  

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Go deeper on Love, Consecration, Power

Brad Rahme | The Unblemished Podcast


The Unblemished Podcast discusses the fundamentals of Christianity as well as the wonderful, deeper mysteries of the Word of God. Learn to get real results from your rich inheritance in Jesus Christ.

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